Sunday 30 April 2017

Bubble man in desperate search for a cure

An Indonesian man is in search of a cure for bubble-like tumors that caused havoc on his body - if not for himself than for his children, who fear they will be suffering a genetic disease.

Wisnu Chandra, nicknamed the "bubble skin man", wearing a ski mask and sunglasses to hide his appearance on the rare occasions when he walks outside.

Now, desperate for help, the 57-year-old is making public his condition. His plight will be presented in a one-hour documentary debuts Wednesday on The Learning Channel.

"People have never been teased or ridiculed me directly, but look at me and avoid me. Most people act very strangely around me," said Wisnu last fall, according to the news media.
"It makes me feel very insecure and angry when people treat me differently," he added.
He began to feel the bumps on his skin when he was 19, he said. He married a few years later, and his condition intensified ever since.

At the age of 32, it spread all over his face, according to reports.

The doctors told Wisnu the tumors were benign, possibly caused by a genetic disorder caused by abnormalities in the nervous system, reported the news media.

At first, he was prescribed different types of creams, but they did not work.
Meanwhile, he and his wife, Nanik Tri Haryani, had four children together.

He was sure she would leave him."But I refused," said his wife, according to the news media. "Seeing him get on with life despite his changing appearance was, for me, a sign of great strength, not weakness."

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